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Galapagos Sea Lion, Galapagos Islands

Staff stories: the Galápagos Islands, the trip of a lifetime

Join ROL Cruise team member Kelly as she sails the trip of a lifetime to the Galápagos Islands aboard Celebrity Flora

Published on 27 Jul 2022

Hi Kelly! You were recently lucky enough to travel to the Galápagos Islands with Celebrity Cruises. What did you think of Celebrity Flora? And what was your suite like?

Wow, it was amazing! Very bright and airy with floor-to-ceiling windows and a large glass balcony so when you lay in bed, you could see right through meaning you wouldn’t miss any scenery. The bathroom also faced the balcony and the glass was one-way viewing so if you were in the shower, you could still what was going on. The furniture was modern and every little detail was thought of with a refillable bottle and a drinking water tap in the cabin. The complimentary laundry which was offered twice a week was very good and much-needed!

Which islands did you visit? And which was your favourite?

We sailed to several different islands during our cruise. If I’m honest, every island was amazing. They’re all so different from Isabela Island with all the sea lions and birds to visiting the Post Office where we sent postcards home. Since returning home, I’ve received my postcard.

We visited Floreana Island which was full of greenery and different species of birds from blue-footed boobies to flamingos. We also went snorkelling here, which was incredible as we got to see sea lions and lots of different fish. But my favourite island was Santa Cruz which was full of enormous land iguanas. Here, we were lucky enough to spend the day at the tortoise sanctuary and we even planted two trees alongside Celebrity Cruises who work closely with local authorities to help preserve the Galápagos Islands.

What native wildlife did you encounter along the way?

When we got off the plane and were waiting for our tender to Celebrity Flora, we were greeted by a sea lion and colourful crabs. Throughout our trip, we were lucky enough to see sea lions, Galápagos penguins swimming alongside our Zodiac, blue-footed boobies, albatross, sea turtles, tortoises, cormorant birds, land and sea iguanas and flamingos.

Lastly, what was the most memorable part of your Galápagos cruise?

All of it!! From the moment we arrived, the staff from Celebrity Cruises were there to help us. When we embarked Celebrity Flora, the service was amazing from cold fresh face cloths every time we returned to enjoying a 5-course dinner on the top deck and sleeping under the stars, it was magical. We were even given an iPad to see what the constellations were above us. Nothing was too much and the crew were so knowledgeable about the Galápagos Islands.

Wow, what an experience! You can follow in Kelly’s footsteps with a Celebrity Flora cruise to the Galápagos below.

Reading time: 2 mins
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