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The solo traveller's guide to cruising

Everything you need to know about solo cruises

Published on 04 Jun 2018

Solo travel and cruises are made for each other. This increasingly popular getaway plan is the perfect way to unwind and learn more about the world, as well as yourself! However, with tradition dictating couples cruising as the norm, many people often feel self-conscious or apprehensive about embarking on a solo cruise

In this article, we look at some of the best ways you can embrace a solo cruise and get the most out of your holiday. Sherry from Cruise Maven often spends 2 months of the year onboard cruises, travelling all around the world! We asked Sherry what she loves most about solo cruising, “I have several favourites; I don’t have to do any planning except for what I want to do. No more, ‘What shore excursions do you want to take?’ ‘I don’t know, what do you want to do?’, I can use all the bathroom space for my toiletries, the TV can be on any channel I want to watch and there’s no one to wake me up from snoring - it’s a seemingly endless list! Mostly selfish reasons.” 

Sherry also gave us some tips for anyone who is planning to cruise solo. “Get ready for an adventure! You’re on your own and can do whatever you feel like doing, whenever you want - there’s no one to answer to or worry about what to do next. I’d recommend packing as lightly as possible, especially if there’s a chance you’ll have to haul your luggage around before or after your cruise. Always keep your phone 100% charged and give folks back home a printed copy of your itinerary - ports as well as pre or post-cruise city stays. Sometimes, longer shore excursions equate to making new friends, so give one of those all-day excursions a try. Lastly, if you’re really adventurous, stop by at one of the solo traveller’s meetups onboard!” 

Tips for your first solo cruise

The dinner conundrum

A lot of people’s solo travel hesitations come down to one thing, ‘Is it weird for me to eat dinner alone?’ The simple answer is no! Dining solo is usually a person’s final barrier to overcome before they declare themselves as independent. But, gone are the days of restaurants and bars only being the location for heated dinner conversation and loving stares over candlelight. Solo travellers are learning to embrace their own company and proudly ask for a table for one when arriving at a restaurant - and a cruise ship is the perfect place to dine solo!

With the increasing number of solo travellers taking to cruise ships, you can be sure you won’t be the only one. So, if you’d rather put some headphones in and listen to some music whilst you enjoy your meal or people-watch at the bar, then so be it.

If you have come stag and would like some dinner conversation, you can always ask your maitre d’ whether there are any other solo diners or groups who may appreciate some extra company and they’ll be sure to help you out in any way they can. 

Sherry explained, “This can be tricky. With fixed dining, always ask for the largest table. Then on the first night, when one of the waiters guides you to your table, be ready to make a hasty walk-by if a. It’s mostly couples b. You get a feeling that this might not be where you want to sit for the duration. 

“My Time Dining is a good option, but there’s a chance you won’t really make any lasting friendships, most likely, it’s only temporary. When in doubt, head to the Lido Buffet. Alternative dining options are a guaranteed table for one and avoid any complications (just be sure to make a reservation). If sitting alone and you’re fidgety, bring something to read or do at the table. From a crossword puzzle to a book, it can be your crutch to get used to solo dining. When there’s unlimited or free Wi-Fi, bring your phone.” 

Be selfish

Be liberated by your independence. Meander around the decks of your ship and follow your interests. If you want to get up at the break of dawn to watch the sun rise over the ocean then you can go ahead and do that, you don’t need to worry about waking anybody. If you want to spend your afternoon by the pool, then that’s what you can do.

Make friends, but only if you want to

You’d be surprised how many people will also be looking to meet people on a cruise ship, even those who aren’t travelling solo. Cruise lines offer brilliant itineraries of onboard classes, events and entertainment great for meeting people. They almost always make sure some of these are geared towards people meeting one another as well, so these are a brilliant place to start. 

A great suggestion if you are looking to meet people is to create calling cards. These can include your name, phone number and perhaps your stateroom number. Cruise ships are big and sometimes you can get lost in a crowd. Even with the best intentions! Giving them a calling card will ensure they have your details and can make it easier for you to regroup. 

It’s always worth remembering if you don’t want to make friends, you don’t need to. The chances of you ever seeing anyone on your ship again (if you don’t want to) is slim and if you’re happy to be sat squirrelled away in a book or with your headphones in listening to your favourite album, then you do you! 

Cruising solo isn’t the same as cruising single

Solo cruising isn’t just for singles and singles cruising isn’t just for solos. Although we aren’t saying you won’t meet the love of your life on your holiday, that’s not the only reason people are turning to solo cruising. 

Maybe you are just looking for some me-time and have left a loved one at home or maybe you are hoping to meet the love of your life. Whatever the reason, you’ll be sure to have a good time. A cruise can offer you some personal time and space, with the option of hundreds of other like-minded travellers all in the same place. 

Having your own cabin rocks

Having your own space rocks. Especially if your solo expedition is away from a partner or roommate, suddenly the free space will really let you feel like you can kick back and relax. Line all of your toiletries up along the sink, unpack completely and use all the plug sockets at once, the world really is your oyster!

As well as having the freedom to do whatever it is you want in your cabin, it’s also a great space to unwind and reflect. Often, holidays of any kind can have overwhelming moments, seeing something you never thought you’d see, meeting new people and experiencing different cultures. Lying in a quiet cabin at the end of the day and being able to process the new fantastic memories you have made is a great way to unwind and really embrace the life journey you’ve embarked on. 

People may not get it, but that’s ok

A lot of people won’t understand solo travel at all and that’s ok. Many people are not brave enough to explore the world alone or have just always had the perfect travel companion to do so. Don’t let this discourage you, just because someone doesn’t understand what you are doing doesn’t make it wrong.

Beating solo supplements

Solo travel is becoming more and more popular in recent years, with people’s wanderlust growing it was only a matter of time before everyone takes exploring the world into their own hands. Unfortunately, this was not always the case and the stereotype of a couple holidaying together has meant that there can be supplements for single travellers. 

Luckily, a lot of cruise lines are now wising up to this new trend and have started to offer exclusive solo deals. Knowing that an increasing number of people are looking to take the world on alone they have ensured these people can also look at getting a great deal on their room. 

Reading time: 6 mins
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